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Rejuvenation - Wrinkle treatment

hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is present in our body, especially in the dermis, the joints, the eye... It was also used in the 1970s in ophthalmic surgery, before entering aesthetic medicine as a filler. .


Hyaluronic acid has the property of capturing and retaining up to a thousand times its weight in water, hence its exceptional moisturizing power and its ability to fill the space between cells. The advantage is that it is natural and is not recognized by the body as a foreign body. It also degrades over time and therefore does not accumulate in the body, hence its reversible nature.

Filling of wrinkles

To fill or smooth a wrinkle, the injection is very superficial (1 to 2 mm). It is done using a very fine needle allowing the immediate erasure of wrinkles and furrows, without over-correction. So the result is immediate.

The areas most affected by this type of injection are:

    Nasolabial folds (on each side of the mouth) Upper lip wrinkles Bitterness lines (from the corners of the mouth down) Jugal wrinkles (vertical in the middle of the cheeks) Crow's feet wrinkles (if they are quite deep)…

Remodeling of volumes

To restore lost volumes to a face, the injection is performed with a needle or a cannula depending on the area to be treated. The injections are in this case deeper and the hyaluronic acid used is more concentrated.

We can then commonly:

    Restore volume to the lipsIncrease the volume of the cheekbonesCorrect the nose or chinFill in the templesFill in sunken handsFill in dark circlesJawline contouring or jaw contouringFill in the bitterness fold

The areas of application are just as wide. We can therefore inject hyaluronic acid on the face, neck, décolleté but also in the hands to make the veins less visible.

A hyaluronic acid injection session lasts 30 minutes with the possibility of immediate resumption of normal activity.

It is a painless aesthetic treatment given the presence of anesthetic in the syringes.

An anesthetic cream can be applied to certain sensitive areas such as the lips before the injection.


The results are immediately visible after the injection of hyaluronic acid; the skin is tightened, wrinkles and hollows are filled.

The definitive effect is obtained 2 weeks after injection.

As hyaluronic acid is gradually degraded by the body, it is recommended to renew the sessions every 8 to 24 months in order to maintain the results.





Precautions before/after treatment

  • What precautions should be taken before an injection of hyaluronic acid?

    Before an injection of hyaluronic acid, you must:

  • What precautions should be taken after an injection of hyaluronic acid?

    After an injection of hyaluronic acid, you must:


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The mouth is the symbol of femininity, beauty and sensuality. The appearance of the lips can greatly contribute to increasing the attractiveness of a person.

The injection of hyaluronic acid specific to the lips improves the shape of the lips and increases the volume. Several techniques can be used depending on your request.

The indications for injecting hyaluronic acid into the lips are:

    Lips that are too thin or too flat Wrinkled lips Asymmetry of the lips Poorly defined lip contour

The injection is carried out in the office, after the application of a local anesthetic in the form of a cream and its duration varies from 15 to 30 minutes. As a general rule, a 1 mL syringe is sufficient. The result is immediate with plumped and redefined lips.

The result lasts an average of 9 to 12 months.

Nasolabial folds

The nasolabial fold is the hollow between the wing of the nose and the corner of the lips. Over time, the furrow is visible dynamically and then it becomes more and more prominent. It gives a tired and sad look to the face. The nasolabial fold is partly caused by a loss of fat at the malar (cheek) level and the loss of elasticity of the skin.

Depending on the size of the nasolabial fold, Doctor Saglam performs injections of hyaluronic acid to fill the hollow.

However, if the furrow is too marked, it will also be necessary to restore the volume at the level of the cheekbone to obtain a lifting effect.

The injection is performed in the office, after the application of local anesthesia in the form of a cream and its duration varies from 20 to 30 minutes. The result is immediate but it will be better in the month following the injection. The area appears smooth and softened with a rejuvenated and more rested face.

The result lasts an average of 9 to 12 months.


The prominent cheekbone has become a criterion of beauty participating in giving the triangular appearance to the face with the tip of the chin down. Prominent, high and well-rounded cheekbones give the face all its harmony.

Over time, the face becomes hollow, there is a loss of fat and muscle, the skin loses tone, which contributes to a loss of volume in the cheeks and cheekbones.

Indications for cheekbone injections are:

    Beautification with more defined facial structure (top model look) Rejuvenation with lifting effect and restoration of the volume of the cheekbone

Cheekbone injection has become increasingly popular and is performed with cross-linked hyaluronic acid with a volumizing effect.

The injection is performed in the office, after the application of local anesthesia in the form of a cream and its duration varies from 20 to 30 minutes.

The result is immediate but it will be better in the month following the injection. The cheekbones are reshaped and the face is refined.

Thanks to this treatment, the face is lifted and regains its youthful and triangular appearance, becoming firm and toned again.

The result lasts an average of 12 to 18 months.

Jawline / Redraw the oval of the face

“Jawline contouring” is a concept popularized in the United States which consists of redefining the jawline using injections of hyaluronic acid. The shape of the jawline, its lines, helps to give the face a youthful and dynamic appearance.

This procedure is intended for women and men with different injection techniques because the aesthetic criteria are not the same.

Indications for jawline contouring are:

    Facial contouringImprovement of the oval of the faceMasculinization of the faceNon-surgical profiloplastyCorrection of the oval of a rounded faceCorrection of sagging jowls

Jaw injections have become increasingly popular, particularly among young patients. It is carried out with cross-linked hyaluronic acid with a volumizing effect.

The injection is performed in the office, after the application of local anesthesia in the form of a cream and its duration varies from 20 to 30 minutes.

The result is immediate but it will be better in the month following the injection.

The face is more structured, the profile harmonized and the limit between the neck and the lower face is more defined.

The result lasts an average of 12 to 18 months.

Dark circles

There are several types of dark circles. However, hyaluronic acid can only treat hollow circles. This is why, the medical consultation is essential to allow to direct the treatment as well as possible.

The hollow circle is unsightly and gives a tired look.

Indications for injection in the dark circle are:

    Diminish the appearance of dark circles Diminish the tired lookGive a boost of radiance

The injection of hyaluronic acid in the dark circle is done using a specific product that is not very hydrophilic.

The result is immediate but it will be better in the month following the injection.

The face is refreshed and the look is enhanced.

The result lasts an average of 12 to 18 months.


The temporal fat melts with the years which causes the tail of the eyebrow to fall and gives a sad face.

Over time, sunken temples are a sign of aging and give a skeletal appearance to the face.

The treatment of the temples consists of the injection of hyaluronic acid on the surface with a cannula or in depth with a needle. The purpose of the injection is to fill the hollow at the temples to soften the face.

The injection of hyaluronic acid at the level of the temples makes it possible to bring a restoration of the curves and volumes of the face with the disappearance of the hollow and the temporal shadow.

This also allows to open the eyes as well as raise the tail of the eyebrow.

The result is immediate but it will be better in the month following the injection.

The face is refreshed and rejuvenated.

The result lasts an average of 12 to 18 months.


Chin injections are becoming increasingly popular.

The shape of the chin contributes to the harmonization of the face and to give the triangular aspect to the face (V-shape) in women.

The injection of the chin in men responds to different criteria of beauty.

Indications for chin injection are:

    Forward projection of a receding chin Correction of the double chin Correction of the profile / Profiloplasty Improvement of the oval of the face Masculinization of the face Feminization of the face

Depending on the indication, several injection techniques are possible. The injection is done with a volumizing hyaluronic acid.

The result is immediate but it will be better in the month following the injection. The face is refreshed and the look is enhanced.

The result lasts an average of 12 to 18 months.

Medical rhinoplasty

This procedure makes it possible to modify and reshape the nose without surgery in a non-permanent way. Hyaluronic acid corrects imperfections in the nose.

The indications for medical rhinoplasty are:

    Concealment of a bump Filling of a hollow Lifting the tip of the nose Harmonization of the profile

The injection is done with a restructuring volumizing hyaluronic acid and its duration varies from 20 to 30 minutes.

The result is immediate but it will be better in the month following the injection. The profile is harmonized and the nose is embellished without surgery.

The result lasts an average of 12 to 18 months.

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